Regents Administration
Spring Semester begins
Day; no classes for students attending high schools and 6–12 schools, all other students attend school
Regents Administration
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers
Last day of school for students
Juneteenth, schools closed
Clerical Day; no classes for students attending 3-K, Pre-K, elementary schools, middle schools, K–12 schools, and standalone D75 programs
Eid al-Adha / Anniversary Day; schools closed
Memorial Day, schools closed
Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers
Spring Recess, schools closed
Eid al-Fitr, schools closed
Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools, students in these schools dismissed three hours early
Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools and Pre-K Centers; students in these schools dismissed three hours early
Midwinter Recess, schools closed
Lunar New Year, schools closed
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, schools closed
Winter Recess, schools closed
Thanksgiving Recess, schools closed
Afternoon Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early
Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early
Veterans Day, schools closed
Afternoon and Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for elementary schools; students in these schools dismissed three hours early
Election Day, Students Do Not Attend School
Diwali, School Closed
Italian Heritage/Indigenous Peoples' Day, Schools Closed
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for high schools, K–12, and 6–12 schools
Rosh Hashanah, Schools Closed
Evening Parent-Teacher Conferences for middle schools and D75 schools
First Day of School