Promotion is the process by which teachers determine if students are ready for and have demonstrated proficiency in the content and skills to be successful in the next grade level. The NYCDOE’s student promotion policy, defined in Chancellor’s Regulation A-501, ensures that students have the supports they need to build a strong foundation in math and literacy before entering the next grade level.
In accordance with A-501, schools establish promotion benchmarks, or academic standards, which students must meet in order to advance to the next grade level at the end of the school year. Throughout the year, teachers and principals regularly review students’ academic performance and identify students who, even with additional support and interventions, may be at risk of not meeting the promotion benchmarks for their grade level. Each student’s academic progress is assessed holistically, using multiple measures, such as NYSED test scores, course grades, writing samples, projects, assignments, and other performance-based student work. While NYSED test scores may be considered, they may not be the determining factor in assessing a student’s readiness for the next grade.
At the beginning of the school year, our school defined the promotion benchmarks students must meet in order to be ready for the next grade level and establish the multiple measures they will use to assess students’ progress toward the promotion benchmarks at each grade level.
Please note that students must meet promotion benchmarks set here to participate in the school’s moving-up ceremony.